Thursday, August 25, 2011

Pizza Party

My new roommate, who we will call Germany, is a REALLY good cook. I'm learning a lot from her, mostly by watching. She bakes from scratch most of the time, so when she told me we were going to make a pizza, (EVEN the dough!) I got super excited. 
After completion and digestion I have deduced that EVERYONE needs to know how to do this. So here are my directions (not measurements, because I mostly watched).

Flour, water and yeast mixed together by Germany

Pepperoni sliced by moi

garlic bread- basically I cut up a french loaf, buttered it, shook some garlic salt over it and threw it on the grill so that the top was toasted but underneath was still bread like... delicious!

In classic student fashion we used a wine bottle as a rolling pin. Rolled a circle and poked holes in it for the crust

canned tomatos and basil blended together

Toppings! (obviously)- Germany's is the veggie one on the left, mine is super pepperoni and zucchini on the right

Half and half

Most amazing cider I've ever had! It's Swedish, but also made in St. Kilda here. I love it

Put in oven... take out of oven when you notice the edges are brown


Ok maybe this isn't my most exciting or relevant to Australia post- but I was so excited about this dinner it just had to be documented. Cheers!

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