Monday, July 25, 2011

Master's Day 1

Contrary to what you may have thought from previous posts, I'm actually STUDYING in Australia. 
My Student Card
I've had my first class in my Master's of Global Communications today and it went very well. My prof was nice and friendly, there were only 12 students in my class, and the readings and assignments are very clear and conscise. Here is my first day outfit:

This picture is mostly for my mother because she used to take a picture of my brother and I on the front step of our house EVERYyear that we attended school. (Secretly, I miss it).

Here is a mini breakdown of how my program works:
I'm beginning in the WINTER semester here, meaning that everyone else has taken classes for a ful semester already.
I take 2 classes worth 30 credit points- meaning the assignments count for more- each semester. 
The classes I've selected for this semester are Global and Governance, which is what I attended today, and Transnational Media in Context, on Wednesday nights.
Most classes consist of 2 large papers worth 60% and 40% or 30% and 70%.
This class I have to write a 6.000 word paper worth 75% and write an exam worth 25%
Most of the students in my classes are Masters of Global Comm or International Relations.
It's 2 semesters with the summer off- much different from Canada where Master's students must study over the summer.

My prof is pretty young and seems very up on the topics of globalisation. And he GAVE us a coursepack.. For FREE! FREE!!! 
Here are some photos to explain the awesomeness of this event:

Seeing CoursePack size = sad face

Realising large coursepack is FREE!= joyous face
So far everything seems to be going well. Although I have already noticed that my class (as it always happens) has a know it all student that likes to argue with the professor and thinks that the class is a conversation between him in the professor. Then today on the break the professor wanted to know if he'd like to continue his discussion and the student declined... Academic Pet Peeve #1 right there.
 I'll report back on Wednesday after my next class! For now I have 65 pages of reading to get through...


  1. so jealous that the course packs are free and not 80 bones for a photocopied book!

  2. Yeah its pretty sweet, although apparently it's pretty rare to get anything for free, and books here are twice the price of Carleton :(

  3. you have a very long name,
    Reminds me of Dumbledore....
