Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The Joy of Doing Nothing (Im not dead)

Hey readers!

Happy New Year to you all! How was the party? How have the resolutions been going? I hope everyone had a great time.
Me, BFF, my best friend from 1st year Uni, and my high school friend on NYE

Life has not been blog worthy lately, but I feel like you may have thought that I had died in a freak Amish cart accident and decided to update you on a home sweet home life. 
Recently my bff that I was shacking up with in Ottawa has found a fantastic new job in Missisauga that literally came about over night. This meant that we had to have his birthday/good bye party on Friday Jan. 6th, recoup via advil and a lake full of water on Saturday, pack til we passed out on Sunday and on Monday drive the 6 hours to the GTA (Greater Toronto Area for all of my foreign readers). It was an absolute whirlwind. Bff is now staying with his oh-so-kind uncle until he can find a place of his own, which I will promptly invade. 
For now we are spending weekends together and during the week I am sitting at home, trying not to spend money, which, lemme tell you is no small task. Hence, here is a world travellers turned couchpotato's guide to doing nil.

Step 1) Sleep in as LATE as possible- the day is then shorter and you have less time to fill with the following mindless activities

Step 2) when you wake, check Facebook, Twitter, your personal and school email, read other people's more interesting blogs and then repeat
Step 3) get out of bed and brush your teeth, being a slug is no excuse for poor hygiene- that and my mom works from home so she has to smell my aweful breath if I neglect this step

Step 4) flick through the TV guide and see what you want to watch- I highly recommend Slice, HGTV, and TLC as they are reality stations that offer real people doing things like renovating houses, buying homes and getting married. You will become an expert in these activities while also enjoying a bit of drama, and feel like you are kind of learning something without watching the news and feeling disappointed in those who we allow to steer cruise ships these days and other sad scenarios.
Step 5) eat leftovers, lots of leftovers
Step 6) paint your nails, read children's books, and baby sit your adorable next door neighbour
Step 7) eat dinner with your family and then go back to steps 2,4 and 6 until it is time for bed.

All in all the time off is not so bad. I'm absolutely exhausted from travelling all over the place recently and am catching up on good reading and indulging in cable, which I dont have any other time that I am not at home as it is expensive.

Looking forward to updating you all with more exciting tales in the near future. I have potentially very exciting news but I wont blog about it until it's a sure thing- cue the cliffhanger! 

Also, it's my dad's birthday today, Happy birthday Daddy xox
The date for me to return to Australia is February 15th!

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